Monday, May 28, 2007

The Reply to Representative Chet Edwards' Form Email

Our local reps can't even get their form letters right. Here's my reply to their form reply..

Dear Representative Edwards:

Apparently one of Senator Kennedy's No Child Left Behind students has made it onto your staff, and is busy sending out form emails for you. This staffer is either completely rewriting the English language as we know it, or relying much too heavily on a spell-checking program.

There is an alternative explanation, of course. I do acknowledge the rules of grammatical construction have mutated somewhat in the years since I was taught them. This might be acceptable parlance in Washington these days.

Please note the highlighted grammatical error in your form email. You might have your staffers make a correction, unless this is how those in power are speaking these days. It is becoming apparent to me that the power elite do indeed speak a completely different language than those of us who are ruled by them. This may simply be another example.

Please accept this as a humble suggestion.

Yours in food faith (On the off-chance the Queen's English has been substantially altered),


Chet Edwards Reply wrote:
Dear Neighbor,
Thank you for contacting me about issues important to you. Understanding your views and priorities will help focus my work in Congress.
As your representative in the U.S. House, I am grateful to have the privilege of working for the families and citizens of the 17th District. By working together in food faith, I believe we can continue to ensure that America is strong, safe and free.
Thank you again for your thoughts and concerns. Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you.

Chet Edwards
U.S. Representative
District 17

No commentary necessary, I think.....


Anonymous said...

That typo turned over my tickle box. Thanks for a great laugh!

Anonymous said...

someone is telling a fib here, there's no such error in the reply I received. This blog would be better served to act in "good faith" with its readers

Kyle The Opinionated said...

...or perhaps I'm not telling a fib, and they fixed the error after I brought it to their attention. How the heck would you know when they fixed it?

You might want to have all your ducks in a row and some proof before you accuse me of lying. I stand by my post. I'm sure not going to engage in libel under any circumstances. That would be both unethical and illegal. As an attorney, I'll not do either. Truth is an absolute defense.

If you'd like to see the actual message, I'd be happy to forward it to you, but you'll have to step up and identify yourself with your real name and email address before I do.

I've certainly got better things to do than fabricate incompetence on the part of our elected officials. They give me all the ammo I need without having to make anything up.

The ball's in your court....