Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Criminal Mind Revisited

Some time ago, I wondered about the criminal mind. Hellinahandbasket postulated that criminals live strictly in the moment, with no thought as to the ramifications of their actions.

I’d have to say that I agree with that theory, but I have a new one. Whether my new theory below is part of it, or something else entirely, I’ll leave it up to the reader to sort out for themselves.

Now that I’m in the business of prosecuting, I’ve observed the following: 98% of the crimes we prosecute are drug-related in some form or fashion. That might actually be on the low side, now that I think about it.

You’ve got your criminals that possess drugs. They have some sort of drugs for their own use, or to sell it. Then you have the peripheral crimes and criminals. They kill, rob, burgle, and steal to fund their drug habits. They forge checks to buy drugs, and false ID’s to verify their forged checks. Their impulse control and inhibitions are nil, so they lose their tempers and kill somebody over a soft drink, a beer, a perceived slight, or because they think somebody’s coming after their drugs or territory.

Legalization is a fallacy. An addict’s going to do whatever they can for the next fix. Making the stuff available to them like beer is going to do nothing but force them to steal, kill, rob, burgle, etc. They still have to afford it. The mind-melting properties of this stuff make these people unable to function in society, period. You’d simply create another legal industry that would in no way, shape, or form cut down on all the peripheral crimes that go along with it.

Think about it. Legal drinking hasn’t cut down on DWI’s any.

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