Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Life and Hope, Part Deux

Is it just me, or was McCain’s story pretty much inspiring?

Don’t get me wrong: I was just about the most anti-McCain guy you could have ever found. I hate his border stance, I hate McCain-Feingold with a passion, I hate his capitulation to the Dems, etc. I wish Sarah was running as the headliner instead of the warm-up act. But I’ll pull the lever for McCain now, just to put her closer to the White House. But there’s a lot to like about McCain on his own. I don’t want to like him, really I don’t.

But darn it, his life’s story is awe-inspiring. And darn it, you have to respect the guy for doing what he thinks is best, even if it draws the ire and wrath of not only his political enemies, but those who are his political friends. That’s courage. They guy has that in spades, one has to admit. It goes without saying that Obama looks like the poser he is when you stack him up to McCain. As I’ve noted: when Obama had to defend his experience against the second banana, I knew he was screwed.

Think about a person locked inside a North Vietnamese prison for five years. Think about a guy who rejected early release, even though he could have cashed in on his father’s admiralty. Broken arms. Dysentery. Beatings. Pretty much the worst a person could endure, it seems. Tell me Job’s got anything on McCain.

This went on for five years. That absolutely floors me. Tell me Job’s got anything on McCain.

How many times during that five years did he hit the bottom of the pit of despair? How many times did he wonder whether or not God had abandoned him?

He pulled through, by not giving up, by not losing faith. By not giving in.

Look where he is today. Wealthy. Beautiful wife, great kids. A respected, if not beloved national leader. And probably our next President, God willing.

It looks to me like God rewarded him for keeping the faith.

I’d have to say that my life is not exactly ideal, at the moment. But good grief. In comparison, I’ve got not a single problem in the world. I’m not in the Hanoi Hilton. McCain’s story is pretty much a b@$ch slap on the face of my petty problems.

I suppose the lesson here is to keep the faith. No matter how bad the situation seems, where there is life, there is hope. If he can endure being a POW, what can life throw at me that I can’t handle? If he can trust in God enough to get him through all of that, why can’t I?

I’d say that I owe the guy a shot at the top job. God got him this far for a reason.


Anonymous said...

It's ironic that Obama is running using the HOPE slogan, but it's McCain whose picture should be next to the definition of "hope" in the dictionary.

Who knows, your dark days might just be preparing you for something great as well. Hang in there and see what hope is all about.

BTW - What brought on the new blog layout?

Kyle The Opinionated said...

I just got tired of the other one. I wasn't in love with the colors or the layout. I'll try this one awhile, and see if it works a bit better for me.

Anonymous said...

You weren't in love with orange, black, and white??? Where's your Apache spirit?