Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"It's a Gas, Gas, Gas!"

Name that tune, anyone?? Not like I have readers after being off the ether for a year.

A very insightful columnist today gave the perfect solution to this gas price problem we seem to be having. It was elegantly simple. Just cut the taxes on gas. It's Neil Cavuto, from Fox News, by the way.

Brilliant. Of course, that would mean a whole host of social programs that have been funded off our tax dollars would go down the tubes. What a crying shame that would prove to be. Note the heavy sarcasm. The gas companies are actually only making about .09 cents profit on each gallon of gas, so this guy says. The entity that really screws us like the proverbial tied-up goat is the government.

What a shocker. Again, note the heavy sarcasm.

At any rate, this country tends to demonize big business when we have some sort of crisis. I think most of our crises (sp?) arise from something the government screwed up somewhere. This stupid entitlement mentality the country seems to have adopted just cannot stand to see somebody profit off of hard work. So we demonize those who actually run a business for a profit, provide jobs for the rest of us, and actually succeed, despite the government's best efforts.

It kind of reminds one of how the French started guillotining everyone who had money back in their famous revolution. Or how the Bolsheviks blew away the Czar and his family. The have-nots decide to kill the haves and take their hard-earned stuff.

It's called communism. It's evil. Pure and simple. Keep that in mind.


Anonymous said...

But when Exxon posts record profits while claiming that the high gas prices are due to Katrina aftermath, something just ain't right.

While your point is well taken, there's nothing inherantly noble about being a business, either. They're just as likely to engage in shenanigans as the government--for the same reason. The larger the institution, the greater the likelihood that mob mentaility, in which no one feels personally accountable, takes over. That's fertil ground for wrongdoing.

That said, our current woes are due to market speculation. Investers in the options market are speculating that the price crude oil will continue to rise. Word is out that there's money to be made there, and more investers are entering the market, driving prices even higher (which pays off the ones who got in early). It's a cycle reminiscent of the tech bubble. The questions are when will the bubble pop, and when it does will it deflate or just plateau.

Kyle The Opinionated said...

I think you're quite right. The bottom will drop right out eventually, and when it does people are going to take a bath. Unless they're smart enough to analyze the trends and get out before it does drop.

Your point is also well-taken regarding the business mentality. However, we CAN stop paying a business if we don't like what they are doing. We HAVE to pay the government, and that's nothing but a license to steal.

Anonymous said...

Jumpin Jack Flash - The Stones

Kyle The Opinionated said...

Bingo. The above posting wins some sort of great prize of your choice. Whatever you can afford.