Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cognitive Dissonance Part Deux

So the media is all over Mel Gibson for anti-Semitic remarks made during his recent DWI arrest. The basic thing we're getting from all these liberal hacks is that it's just awful to be disparaging the Jews like that.

I think getting rockets dumped on their heads by Hezbollah is a bit more than disparaging. I think hearing from the leader of a foreign country, stating unequivocally that he wants your nation wiped off the face the the earth is a bit more unsettling than what another Hollywood twit has to say. (See Iran)

It's awful to say bad things about the Jews, says the liberal press. But it's ok to give positive coverage to the people that are trying to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth.

I guess the press doesn't consider itself biased because it doesn't come right out and say it thinks Jews stink. It is OK, on the other hand, to talk about the plight of the poor Palestinians who want nothing more than the death of every Jewish person in Israel. It's ok to give good press to Hezbollah and their claims of atrocities the IDF supposedly committed in Qana. It's ok to show the families of dead terrorists weeping and wailing, making Israel seem like the bad guys. Israel's citizens have been killed by terrorist attacks since Israel existed as a modern nation. The media doesn't seem overly concerned about their dead, their living in fear every day of their lives. Where's the outrage over the Israeli civilians who died at the hands of some nutball jihadist?

But they want to condemn Mel for saying some stupid stuff while bombed out of his gourd. I think what the mainstream media is doing to Israel is far worse than anything Mel has done.

And another thing...why are is the world wailing and gnashing its teeth about a "proportionate response" from Israel? My philosophy about fighting is fairly simple: avoid if at all possible. But if the situation is such that you are forced to fight, you're probably facing serious bodily injury or death. That means you fight back with everything you have, until the threat is stopped. For instance, I'm not going to drop my gun if a knife-wielding crackhead kicks in my door. My response isn't proportional to his knife attack, but gosh darn. I'm not wanting a fair fight. I want to survive. I want my family to survive.

Same thing here. Israel knows the enemy is committed to its destruction. They are dumping missiles on its civilians on a regular basis. They have aid and support from neighboring countries. Time to end the threat.

So Mel Gibson gets roasted for doing something stupid while drunk. That seems to happen fairly regularly with people and alcohol. So what? Isn't it far more anti-semitic to fail to condemn people who think Israel doesn't have a right to exist? Isn't it far worse to praise the courage of Hezbollah terrorists?

Which is it, mainstream media? They can't condemn Mel Gibson without a hard look at their own slanted coverage of this thing. It's probably an uncomfortable self-examination.

The truth about Islam what it teaches ALL of its followers is uncomfortable, but must be faced. Kill, enslave, or convert. No middle ground is permitted. Israel has made up its mind that it will not be killed, enslaved or converted. And it really doesn't care what Mel Gibson said when he was drunk. It's got more serious issues to deal with right now.

Hollywood, the mainstream media, every liberal in America needs to understand something. (We'll take our Christian religious views out of the picture altogether for a moment or two.) The Muslims want to kill, conquer or convert all of us. That includes liberals. We have one Middle Eastern friend in the war on terror, and that's Israel. We owe them our support and loyalty, because they are the front line against an enemy that will take ALL of us down. Even liberals. Israel understands that. If we're not going to help Israel, let's at least get out of their way.

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