Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What Did Peter Do?

As you probably know, the kidnapped Fox journalists were released, after they were forced at gunpoint to convert to Islam.

La Shawn Barber discusses this, and wonders what she would have done as a Christian. Read this post and discussion.

I wonder, myself.

I'll post more on this later. This is something worth discussing.

A tip of the hat to Michelle Malkin's website for finding this little discussion.


Well, that's certainly a deep subject to kick around.

I would like to think that I'd stand firm. The truth is, I don't know. I would hope that I would stand like the girl we've all read about at Columbine, and die a martyr. What I really hope is that I never have to be tested like that.

On the one hand, Paul tells us the only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit. So what does that mean, exactly? Have you denied it when you convert to Islam at the point of a gun?

I can say honestly that I don't know. My first impression is that I don't think so. I think that a person hasn't really given up on Jesus when faced with certain death at the hands of nuts like this. That is, if he's really accepted Jesus in the first place. I think God would know what's in a man's heart. The survival instinct in a person is pretty strong. It's a God-given response, built in there for the specific purpose of keeping our happy rears alive.

I think back to what Peter did, in the face of the capture of Jesus. Peter stated that he would never deny him. Jesus, knowing a bit better, predicted Peter would disavow any knowledge of him not once; but three times. When the soldiers came and took Jesus before the Sanhedrin, Peter cracked. He did exactly what Jesus figured he'd do. He vowed he didn't know Jesus at all. By doing so, he stayed alive.

I think Peter never really gave up on Jesus. That much is obvious, given what he accomplished in Jesus' name later on. He was just overwhelmed with the survival instinct that God gave all of us. Later, he was martyred, in a pretty horrible way. I don't know for sure, but I think Peter probably made it to Heaven. He stood up when he was supposed to. And maybe that's the answer. We'll play whatever role God has decided for us.

Bottom line: I sure can't judge these two journalists. It's not my place. I don't know what I'd do. I know whatever conversion I supposedly made would not be what was in my heart. I just hope God doesn't place me in that position. But if he does, it will play out the way he wants it to. I'm not going to sweat it. Nor am I going to condemn these guys for wanting to stay alive at all costs. I'm sure some Christians will, but it's really not their place.

I do think this is illustrative of what the West will face with Islam. This is not an historic anomaly, by any means. The whole history of Islam vs. everybody else is rife with stories like these. I'll bet this won't be the last time this little problem comes up.

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