Sunday, November 12, 2006

Elton John Hates Us

That's ok. I guess. Says here that Elton would ban all organized religion, because he thinks it promotes hatred of gays. Courtesy of the Drudge Report.

Well, that's ok, I guess. I'm learning as I get a bit farther along my Christian walk that dealing with idiots like this is simpler than it used to be.

Why's that? Because I'm not going to teach them a darn thing by speaking out against what they're all about. As a Christian, I shouldn't be anti-anything. I should be pro-whatever my deal is.

Elton's misguided, sure. But I've no right to judge him, because he's in the same boat as the rest of us. He's not perfect, he's short of the mark as we all are.

My job, near as I can figure it, is to lead by example. My job is to show God's love by tolerating just about everything. Some days I'm better at it than others. The trick here is to realize that God will take anybody back into the fold, no matter the offenses given in the past. My sins aren't quite the same as Elton's, but that's ok because they're still sins, and just as bad. So who am I to judge the guy?

Now tolerance doesn't mean that I get run over. I can tolerate him not liking my religion. He's not hurting me in the least, and pretty much making a fool of himself. But when he starts actively moving against me and what I believe in, it's a different story. For instance, if he were trying to ban my right practice my faith, or he tried to burn a church down or something weird like that, I figure I have the right to speak out against what he's doing, and resist if necessary. Otherwise, he's just spouting off, and he's not really bothering me at the moment.

This is a pretty funny story, I think. I've said my piece, now I'll go on and forget about it.

But it does say a lot about the vaunted liberal tolerance, now doesn't it??


Anonymous said...

Understand Elton’s point... conservative religion is huge obstacle to the gay community (in my opinion); conservatives openly call for our "rehabilitation" which is a step up from calling for or destruction. Honor killing of homosexuals is still happening. I don’t think religion should be banned... but I do think it should be pointed out that it is a way of life based entirely on a belief, and not scientific fact. And it should be regarded as a belief not fact and most certainly not law… social, legal or other wise. P.s notice I haven’t included my name.

Kyle The Opinionated said...

Well, I can point you to reams of information that show a pretty solid scientific basis for Christianity, but that's not the point.

Nor do I need to point out that our Constitution and entire system of government would not work but for the guiding principles of Christianity. Again, I can quote you some sources to that effect, but again not the point. In my study of law, I firmly believe that just law does not exist without the acknowledgement of a higher power than man.

The problem comes in interpretation, as always. I've come to believe in my Christian walk that tolerance and brotherly love is not given the airplay that the wrongheaded aspects of Christianity get. Don't be discouraged, and don't lump us all in the same category, but the vast majority of Christians miss this point all the time. The media and whatnot usually take the worst of our lot and parade them around as the exemplar of what we're all about.

It's not my job to convert anyone, to judge anyone. I have to lead by example, and if somebody likes what I'm doing with my life they are welcome to follow it, or they have the perfect freedom to do otherwise. However, I don't have to like what somebody else does. I am entitled to think that it's wrong, against God, etc. But my rights end where another's begin, and someone else has the exact same rights as I.

What I DON'T have the freedom to do, and should not have, is to judge, outlaw, or do anything to impede lifestyles that I don't like. While our government works best when it acknowledges a higher authority, it needs to actually reflect more of the message that Jesus was trying to get out, which is that we're all sinners, no one above another, and there's room in the tent for all of us if we practice the whole brotherly love thing. The greatest example of government subject to a higher power is embodied in the Constitution, I think. It provides tolerance for everyone, as it should. If it's left alone, that is. It's why I was against the whole marriage amendment act, once I got to thinking more about it. but that's a different story altogether, and my comment is getting a bit wordy.

This It's what scares me about Islam the most. As noted, Christianity has sometimes missed the mark pretty badly as well. But we're not all pushing the Inquisition anymore, and I think that trend is growing. This is hopeful. While we've got a ways to go here, we're still light-years ahead of what rights a homosexual would have in an Islamic country.

All I ask is that tolerance goes both ways. When a minority portion of the population attacks the Constitution, it can weaken the enitre document as a whole. This is dangerous for everyone.

At any rate, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I notice that while we disagree, it was a nice, civil discussion. Stop by again, you're always welcome on this site. I'm sorry that you needed to do so anonymously, but perfectly understandable.