Thursday, November 09, 2006

What Went Wrong and What We Want

It seems lately that I'm simply ripping off everything that Kim du Toit posts. I can't help that the guy is a genius. I'm happy to bask in it, but I at least give credit where credit is due.

So check this post out. He quotes William F. Buckley as to what exactly went wrong for Republicans. These are the same arguments that FLAMETOAD has made to me. They're dead right. I hate it, but it doesn't change one whit the rightness of it all.

My earlier post still stands; but dang it all, it's perfectly understandable why conservative voters did what they did. I'm angry at the protest voters, but that's tempered by a deep respect and admiration for them having the guts to do what they did, knowing what the consequences were going to be.

We don't want centrist, we want conservative. Be warned Republicans, the battle lines have been drawn, and you won't keep your office if you aren't a conservative warrior from here on out.

It's hard to see the forest for the trees, but I pray this turns out to be a good thing.

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