Tuesday, October 26, 2004

More Reasons to Elect W

As devoted news junkies out there probably already know, Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist is being treated for cancer. (If I could hyperlink, I would. Will somebody PLEASE tell me how to do this within this system? It would be a big help.)

Judge Rehnquist is 80.

The next President will probably get at least three, possibly four Supreme Court nominations.

Why is this important, you ask?

Consider this: abortion in this country was turned into what it is today not by legislation, but by a Supreme Court decision. The Court will probably have more abortion issues to deal with this term, as well as other interpretations of the Bill of Rights. Free speech and the right to keep and bear arms are two that I worry about.

Kerry, if elected will nominate a certain type of justice. He wants people who view the Constitution as a living, breathing document, that changes as time goes on. He wants judges who believe they should be able to create law through their interpretations, as opposed to allowing the legislature to create laws which they determine whether or not are constitutional. Kerry's justices would be in line with what Clinton appointed. These are the justices who subvert the will of the people, and are unaccountable to the regular folks out there. As an example, many states have voted to ban gay marriage. A couple of their federal courts decided such a right existed, though the people said otherwise. We cannot vote federal judges and justices out of office.

Kerry's justices believe in big government, and the supremacy of the federal government over the rights of the individual states. They will vote accordingly.

Bush will appoint a justice who thinks the Constitution is the final word on what law is in this country. His justices will strictly construe a law with what the Constitution allows. In other words, he will not appoint a justice who will bend the Constitution around to embrace a law. His justices will believe in a limited government, with rights strictly enumerated under the Constitution. They will vote to keep the government out of our lives as much as possible. They believe the Constitution and the rights therein do not change. They believe the Constitution sets out unalienable rights, which have existed since man was created. They will preserve these rights.

Keep that in mind. Bush=less government interference. Kerry=more government interference.

This is all simplified, mind you. There are much better Constitutional scholars out there than I.

I think I've got the basics, though.

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