Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A Good Dissection of the Armstorng Williams SNAFU

This is via Michelle Malkin's website, linking to Lashawn Barber's commentary on this issue.

She's dead-on.

See my post from last night. This sort of crap hurts us all.


Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you Kyle, the Conservatives are very seldom the good guys. When have they ever been the good guys? They support everything the KKK supports - drug testing for welfare recipients, elimination of affirmative action programs, the right to own guns, quarantine of all AIDS carriers, and troops at all our borders to stop the flow of illegal aliens.

I live in a small town in Maryland and recently recieved a KKK recruitment letter, as did all of my neighbors, entitled "an open letter to the Citizens of America". Most of it was the "Republican talking points" forementioned above.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you, but I'm for eliminating affirmative action, for putting troops on the border to stop illegal immigration, and definitely pro gun. The welfare system in this country is a joke as well.

Maybe the KKK is right on a few issues like that. They aren't right on white supremacy or anti-semitism, or their methodology. Don't get me wrong. I certainly don't support them or their racial idiocy, but they do get a few things right, misguided and wrong though they are about their methodology, etc.

Conservatism IS morally, socially, and ethically the good side of the political spectrum. Just because some nut jobs hold the same values as I doesn't mean those values are any less worthy.

Sure, we get off on the wrong tracks now and again. Conservatives aren't perfect by any means. We're human; we screw up. There will be the bad apples in the barrel with us, like the KKK. It doesn't ruin the whole proposition, though. There's only been one fault-free person to walk the face of the earth that I'm aware of. Just because we screw up every now and again doesn't mean the ideals we fight for are any less noble.

We ARE the good guys.


Anonymous said...

Points well taken, and the same applies to me. As a Liberal Christan Dem, ex-Conservative Republican, I feel the same about The Left. I try to embrace the verses of Luke and Matthew as I pass through my time on earth. Sadly, I did/do not see many Conservatives doing this.

Let's just say they "talk the talk" but never really "walk the walk". The best to you and may God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Much appreciated, and same to you.

You have a good point as well: there's lots of words, but little as far as deeds.

Thanks for stopping by and reading, and contributing to the discussion. Please feel free to come back and add some more.


Anonymous said...

What really changed my opinion of The Right were the extremeists such as Ann Coulter and Michael Savage. I find them to be as far from Christianity as heaven is from hell.

They are almost like "Agent Provocateurs", or at least Mr. Savage is. He is so evil, the black cloud that comes from the very mention of his name is like instant negativity and darkness. How LaShawn Barber could even participate in one of his shows is beyond reason. I have my doubts about her, just from this one instance of irresponsibility on her part.

It is almost as if he is there to cast an unsavory light on Conservatives. He needs to ask God for help and forgiveness. My problem is any Conservative who will say or do provocative things for ratings and attention. We never tolerated this behavior from Madonna, I am certainly not going to tolerate it from fictional Christians looking for fame and fortune in all the wrong places.

Is Ann Coulter the Christian she professes to be? Not quite, she is a Catholic who never goes to Mass. That is enough for me. I am sick of these types leading the good Christians to the lions in the name of TV and talk radio ratings, money and fame. I tell people to do the real Christian thing, don't buy their books, but give the money to your church. The fact that Fox News is funded by the money, (now more than ever since Murdoch condensed all of his businesses under the umbrella of his News Corporation) from the profits of Direct tV - mostly pornography sold to hotels around the world - is frightening. It is all so wrong, such a hypocrisy, I just could not subscribe to this behavior anymore. I know Brent Bozell is very concerned about Fox TV, he has written about it.

So you see, I hear them talking but they are really not saying anything that makes sense to me. You can "talk the talk", but you also must "walk the walk", and they are not doing this.

Actions speak louder than words in my book, and living one's life by the Golden Rule is a life worth living.