Monday, June 19, 2006

The Burning Philisophical Question....

HELL IN A HANDBASKET poses the question: what superhero would you be, given your 'druthers?

He's right: guys spend an obsessive amount of time on this subject. Sometimes in the middle of jury trials......

I'm still not sure. I'd think Green Lantern's ring would be handy. But I'd also go with Wolverine's healing factor, senses, and adamantium skeleton. Magneto's ability would simply rock. Telekinesis would be fun at parties. The Flash's speed could be pretty entertaining. Nightcralwer's teleporting would get me in a whole lot of trouble. Getting cut off in traffic would be a lot more tolerable if I had Juggernaut's abilities to crush cars that annoyed me. The list could go on and on, and I probably wouldn't turn any of them down.

At any rate, this site is worth reading. The guy is a gamer, conservative, and a gun nut. God bless him.

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