Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Idiocy On Both Sides of the Fence

And We Wonder Why We Have A Deficit??

I hear the cost of the inauguration is going to top 50 million. And now they expect Washington to take money from Homeland Security to pay for it? All this for an oath of office that takes about 30 seconds or so.

I don't see the point of this at all. Further, I don't see how spending this kind of money on a self-congratulatory celebration is anything resembling conservative. He's supposed to be about fiscal responsibility, and not wasting our taxpayer money.

What a Crap Monster. There. He's earned the coveted title.

If Bush was a good leader, he'd just get sworn in by the Chief Justice in the Oval office, have it televised, and get to work figuring out how to keep this country safe. This is grandstanding of the worst sort. Michael Savage pointed out this money should be diverted to body armor for the troops. I don't think a good leader spends 50 million on a party while his troops are in a foreign country dying for him. With a lack of equipment to keep them safe, no less.

As a conservative, I am very disappointed in the man. I think this behavior is pretty shameful. We don't need pomp and circumstance. We need to figure out how to effectively kill terrorists, and those who harbor them.

Hippy Freaks Teaching In Our University

Professor Robert Jensen shows his true colors in this opinion piece, which I am ashamed to admit the Ft. Worth-Star Telegram actually printed.

The reader can pretty much figure out what this guy is all about from this small quote from the aforementioned manifesto:

"...So, as a U.S. citizen, I welcome the U.S. defeat for a simple reason: It isn't the defeat of the United States -- its people or their ideals -- but of that empire. And it's essential that the American empire be defeated and dismantled."

I can't believe a person has that much negativity about our country. Notice he says that we are only doing the Iraq war because of some sort of bizarre Yankee imperialism. Not by acquiring territory, but by allowing the big companies to control oil profits out of Iraq.

Notice there’s nothing he says in the piece to back this up. It's just leftist hatred of the worst sort, with no facts to back it up. I think the left really DOES hate this country. This piece seems to reinforce this proposition. I also note he lives in the greatest state in the Union, and has not moved to Cuba or China to live in a worker's paradise.

Looking at Professor Jensen's website will give the reader even further evidence about the left-wing loon. He hates conservatism, hates America, hates white people, and hates war for any reason. This is odd, since he's whiter than Wonder Bread, lives in the greatest country on God's Green Earth, and lives in the greatest state in the Union. Keep in mind tax dollars are paying for Jensen's website, not to mention tuition fees at U.T. That hacks me off.

In short, Jensen's a lefty moonbat, with no firm grasp of reality.

I was listening to Sean Hannity rip him a new one on my drive home this afternoon, during a telephone interview. I don't particularly care for Hannity's interview style. I think he should have allowed the guy to speak a bit more than what he did. That way the entire country could have heard how moronic this guy really is. As it was, Jensen was unable to come up with any facts to back up this garbage he spouts. I missed the part where we were defeated in Iraq. It was fun to hear Sean latch onto Jensen, though. I was reminded of a pit bull latching onto a coyote.

Why am I spending so much time on this rather insignificant left-wing puke? Perhaps this is to illustrate the caliber of people who are teaching in universities today. Jensen teaches journalism, if one can believe that. This is what parents are paying for when they send their kids to college these days.

Perhaps it is to illustrate that hope is not yet lost. Even though we are bombarded by this socialistic garbage while at school, some of us actually turn out sane. Well, conservative, anyway.

I was one of Jensen's students at the University of Texas at Austin, and he didn’t manage to corrupt my values. It's not to say he didn't try. I can't remember specifics ( I try to blot U.T out of my memory, except during football season) about what liberal garbage he spouted in class. I do remember a general impression of left wing lunacy from the man. This was the general impression I got from most of the professors at the U.T., now that I think about it. I hated the place with a passion, in hindsight. While I had a few good professors in the history and English departments, I can only think of two good professors in the journalism department. Jensen wasn't one of them. I can't remember anything he taught in his class that was a valuable writing or reporting skill. Odd, since his class was a prerequisite to any other journalism course.

I definitely remember Jensen himself. He was tall, gangly, appeared to be about the same age as his students. He wore t-shirts to class, along with the obligatory Birkenstock hippy shoes. He wore little round John Lennon (Lenin?) glasses as well. If one were to cross Dave Barry with John Lennon, with a bit of Chairman Mao thrown it, wrap it up in a tie-dyed package, and slap some of those retarded sandals on it, one would have something that could be mistaken for Robert Jensen. I get the impression he got the crap kicked out of him a lot on the playground when he was a kid. He just had that look.

I remember another student in class taking him to task on several occasions. That student was the president of the College Republicans there at U.T. Yes, they actually DID exist at that school. This student also ended up at the Texas Tech School of Law with me, three years later. This guy actually made ME look like a liberal....scary, huh? I used to enjoy those verbal fisticuffs as well.


Benjamin said...


This asshole is nothing new. He's been carping about the evil of America since 9/11. He's done the Medved show 3 or 4 times.

Moonbats abound. It's not healthy to try and have a heart attack every time one of them says something stupid (that's a lot of heart attacks, by the way.)

It's interesting that you studied under this guy.

I watched a Weathermen documentary, not to long ago, and it turns out I was actually taught by one of these WACKOS (is TERRORIST too strong a word?)

The more they shout, the loonier they appear.


Anonymous said...

Benjamin beat me to it. Jenson has in fact been spouting crap since 9/11 and probably earlier. Of course he's a wacko. Everyone knows he's a wacko. The only reason he gets "air" time is because his beliefs are so comical. Although in fairness, I don't really remember his bringing politics much into the classroom. I think he more or less stuck to the subject--at least when we had him a decade ago. Now? Who knows?

If you'll remember back at Swampfest, I'm the one who was pissed at Bush because he wasn't a fiscal conservative. He hasn't been a fiscal conservative since his first year in office. My understanding is that even discounting the cost of the war, he has a worse spending record than Clinton! I can't abide that, and during the race I really couldn't understand why so-called conservatives weren't up in arms over it. THAT'S why I threw my vote away on a third party "protest" vote rather than either of the "real" candidates.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think the third party may be the way to go. This Republican thing ain't nearly conservative enough for me. I simply can't justify all this b.s. Bush's doing here lately.

As for Jensen, I thought he was a nut when we studied under him. I don't remember specifics, but I do remember knowing he was a liberal nut even then. I relly do blot out the whole UT thing. I think he probably kept politics out for the most part, other than snide remarks from time to time.

He got more radical as time went on. I really started hearing about him when I got to law school. I couldn't tell you one useful thing I got out of his class, I guarantee that. I paid for his class, that sucks.

For that alone, he deserves the Crap Monster title.


Joe said...

I hate to tell you this Kyle, and I mean this in the nicest of ways, but the greatest state in the Union is California. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Anonymous said...


The US invasion was illegal under international law, a violation of the UN Charter, and therefore, of the "supreme law of the land" and the US Constitution [under Article VI the Constitution makes clear that any international treaties and such signed by the US become the "supreme law of the land"].

Under the War Crimes Act passed by a Republican Congress in 1996, Bush deserves the death penalty for “grave breaches” of the Geneva Conventions.

The US has illegally rewritten Iraq's trade laws (surely you've heard of the 15% flat tax) and sold off 200 state owned enterprises.


Even the neocons regard the US as an empire (but as a force for good, what is good for US corporate interests is good for the world).

Thomas Donnelly (of the Project for the New American Century [whose members include Cheney Perle Wolfowitz JebBush ZalmayKhalilzad...]):
"The fact of American empire is hardly debated these days. Even those who fear and oppose it (in this country, the libertarian right and the remnants of the new left; abroad, a variety of voices from Paris to Baghdad to Beijing) define international politics almost entirely in relation to U.S. power -- and especially U.S. military power."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, argue about how great California is when it slides off into the ocean on a wave of mud, Joe. Enjoy that great climate while treading water.

Your state's broke, and it's insane. Liberals have turned California into a cesspool.

As for the other comment, you can shout that America is imperialistic all you want, but there's not a shred of proof in that regard. You're kinda like Jensen in that you want to argue that big corporations are trying to enslave the rest of the world. Again, where's the evidence of that? You hate corporate America and capitalism, but you typed that message on a computer designed in America. You got to work in a car, watch tv, eat food, etc., as a result of capitalism. I doubt you're in a hurry to move to Cuba, are you?

The UN passed 19 resolutions which authorized the use of force in Iraq. Don't waste your time arguing it was illegal. Plus, the President's Constitutional powers authorize him to take military action where it is America's national security interest.

After 9-11, anybody who's paying terrorists, as Saddam was, is toast. This is the Bush doctrine, and it is good. That is, if you don't want planes crashing into buildings in your city. I'd rather avoid that, myself.

Put Bush to death? You liberals don't want to see criminals in the U.S. put down, yet when someone ideologically opposed to you starts to catch on, you want them dead? So much for the left's message of tolerance.

Let's let the truth get out here: you really want a socialist government, no religion in the U.S., and conservative values stomped out in concentration camps.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Computers were designed using the US's reverse socialism. This is where American tax dollars are used to create technology, and what ever results is given away to the major corporations.

We socialize risk, and privatize profits.

Capitalists (the major ones) do not like risks, they want a sound investment. They need the govt to create for them, and they will gladly take it and make their money.

Try to name a technology created in the US but not created with your tax dollars.

(Hint: don't say computers, Internet, satellite, GPS, lasers, fiber optics, etc. If you read the Wall Street Journal you know not to mention anything, its all created by the govt, along with at least 80% of medicines.)

Anonymous said...

My bad. I was screwing around while signed in, and I accidentally deleted a comment. I can't seem to get it back. Whoever posted that, please re-post it. I won't whack it this time, I promise. I'm not trying to censor anybody, I just shouldn't be trusted with a mouse sometimes.

Nice to know I can do that, if something filthy gets posted. No problems with that so far. I appreciate the civility of the debate, and hope this doesn't discourage comments.

I won't go clicking around on the trash-can looking thingy while signed in anymore, promise. Please continue to comment.

Signed....the untechnical blog administrator, who is suitably ashamed and will leave well enough alone.