Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Lesser of Two Evils

I posted awhile back on the horrendous choice that we have come November. Vote for the Republicans who have thoroughly betrayed us on the issues that mattered to conservatives, or vote for the communist Democrats.

It's not really much of a choice, when you start to think about it.

Kim du Toit pontificates on this exact subject matter in this post. He gently reminds me of what will probably happen to gun rights in America, should the Democrats get in power.

I just hate the thought of voting for somebody because they are, "not as bad as the other guy." What kind of choice is that? du Toit is right on several issues in this post. The Republicans absolutely deserve to get stomped in November. The blame for the Foley scandal and the border falls on the elephant's shoulders. I despise rewarding bad behavior. Why endorse a party that voted to build a fence on the border, then turned around and voted NOT to fund the thing? That's just pure evil. I'd love to see them run out on a rail.

However, I agree that Demoncrats in office are the greater evil. I hate socialists, higher taxes, lawsuits, globalization, and all the other stuff the Democrats blatantly stand for. By the way, if you're running as a democrat in a local election, as far as I'm concerned you've signed off on the same stuff. You're standing to be counted with the enemy. Sorry, I'm a black and white kind of guy.

The Republicans captured their current political power by giving lip service to conservative ideals and values. They've failed to actually follow through with much of them. The border is wide open, corruption runs amok in Washington, and senseless legistlation gets passed, further eroding our freedom and bloating an already fat federal budget and bureaucracy. Where's the conservatism there?

But we know what the demoncrats would have done, if given the chance. Tax increases across the board, an increase in lawsuits, more entitlement programs, weaker national defense, weaker homeland security, and a further suppression of conservative ideals and values across the nation.

With the Republicans in office, gun rights got some major boosts, we haven't had another domestic terror attack, we kicked the tails of some pretty nasty Islamo-fascists, the deficit got trimmed, and we placed some conservatives on the Supreme Court. The last part alone is a victory of monumental proportions. We cannot afford to allow the Supreme Court to degenerate further. It wouldn't matter who was in power if the Supremes are predominately liberal. Granted, it took a conservative riot to force Bush to appoint decent judges, but at least he listened.

Change for the sake of change might well be cutting off our collective noses to spite our collective faces. Not the brightest of ideas. We also have to face the reality that a third party is not going to win in most cases. I learned via Perot what sort of trouble that can cause. I'd give anything to go back and remove Perot from the 1992 and 1996 ballots. We wouldn't have had Clinton at all, and that's an undisputable fact.

I suppose that sometimes, the lesser of two evils is really the only choice you can make. If we keep the communists outside the gate for two more years, that's a good thing.

It does make one think we're between the Scylla and Charybdis as far as the parties are concerned. But a protest vote for a third party candidate might well put us in a worse position than what we're currently in.


imohany said...
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Anonymous said...

With the Republicans in office, gun rights got some major boosts, we haven't had another domestic terror attack, we kicked the tails of some pretty nasty Islamo-fascists, the deficit got trimmed, and we placed some conservatives on the Supreme Court.

I wouldn't stake my life on it, but I'm pretty sure the defcit grew--not trimmed--after the Republicans took office.

Bear in mind that when it comes to the presidential election, we live in a red state. The electoral college insures that your protest vote is merely that. It would take a huge groundswell to change our state's voting practices enough to have our electoral votes go to anything but a Republican--especially after the redistricting of a couple years ago. The deck has been decidedly stacked in their favor.

Kyle The Opinionated said...

The electoral college doesn't have anything to do with senate or house elections.

The news just had an article this week that he's trimmed deficit spending pretty significantly, without raising taxes. Double-check me, but I'd bet on it.

The more I've thought about it, the more I'm not going to do a darn thing to help a democrat get in office. If we lose enough to change this from a red state to a blue state, that's a bad thing. And with so many out there threatening to protest vote, you'll have a blue state if the demos get their base organized. If that happens, you are looking at some very bad things.